Thursday, February 16, 2006

I Love Being Right

Who has the best gaydar ever? Holly does. Leslie is totally bi according to her myspace.

I rock.

I rock.

Oh yeah!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

America's Next Top Lesbian

On every single cycle of America's Next Top Model, there is a lesbian/bisexual contestant even if the contestant does not come out on air. I have made my pick for the lesbo of this cycle and it is Miss Leslie (what a great lesbian name) of Higley, Arizona.
Why, you ask that I assume she may be not so straight? Her favorite movie is Gia. Gia is about a lesbian model and contains one of the steamiest sex scenes in any movie... ever... except porno.
In other Top Model news, my early favorite is Mollie Sue. Yes, she has the most hick name ever but she's hot and tall so it makes up for it.

One last thing: What kind of name is Nnenna and how the hell is it pronounced?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sorry... again.

I know there haven't be updates lately but that is because I have been sick since last Wednesday and I'm still not feeling well. Hopefully I'll be better later this week and I will probably post about Veronica Mars or the movie Chance.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Very Very Sorry

I'm very sorry to report that I am unable to recap The L Word anymore because my computer has been on the verge of death for the past two weeks and whenever I try to watch a video or use a video editing program, my computer shuts down.

I'm really sorry but I'll still be posting about other stuff.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

More Top Model posting

I have finally decided on my pre-show favorites from cycle 6 of America's Next Top Model. Since there isn't a hot lesbian tomboy or a Yoanna this season, it was a bit harder to choose since not many of them really stand out.

So, yeah anyway.... my picks are:

She kinda looks like a mix of Cycle 3's Nicole and Cycle 1's Tessa. I like how she looks like now and I hope she doesn't get fucked over from the make over.
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This girl really gives me the Nicole from Cycle 5 vibe and also a bit of Cycle 3's Cassie
I bet she turns out to be a bulimic stripper whose parents love her sister more and won't pay for her college tuition.

Once the new cycle starts, be used to me posting like crazy when it comes to this show.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I Wanna Be On Top!

The America's Next Top Model cycle 6 promo is here!!!!!

All I can say is "Is it March yet?!"

I cannot wait.

Top Model is the best thing ever.

There's hot girls, hot clothes, and flaming homos. What more could you want?

My opinion so far is that the girl on the right in the middle looks a lot like Ashley from cycle 5 only more anorexic and I want the Asian girl to win.

By the way, the picture so belongs to Dlisted

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